We just had our first cold front of the fall therefore, the phone has been ringing non-stop with broken furnaces. We thought this would be a good time to remind everyone about our furnace maintenance and what all it entails. Proactive furnace maintenance is the best way to make sure you will be warm inside when the cold hits outside. Below are the items we inspect and clean when you have us out for a heating maintenance:
Inspect Air Filters
One of the keys to keeping your heating system in working order is by making sure the air filter has no problems passing air through it. A dirty air filter means your system has to work twice as hard to pull air, therefore, putting strain on the blower motor and other major heating components.
Inspect heating operation
We will inspect all of the integral parts of your heating system to make sure your home will stay warm this Winter.
Carbon Monoxide Testing
Carbon monoxide is a dangerous and odorless gas that can harm or even kill without warning. You should always have a professional ensure that any carbon monoxide is being sent outdoors and not collecting in your home. Having carbon monoxide detectors in your home is also a good idea!
Check Heat Exchangers
How does carbon monoxide leak into your home? The most common cause is a broken heat exchanger. A heat exchanger is what creates the heat in most modern heating systems. It is a series of metal tubes that get hot when natural gas is forced through them, the air from your house blows over the hot tubes and this heats your home. If there’s a problem in your heat exchanger, then your home will not reach the desired temperature, or may take twice as long to get there!
Clean or Replace Sensors
All heating systems rely on sensors to function properly, once one is broken or burned-out, it must be replaced by an HVAC professional. Gas-fired heaters use flame sensors to regulate the heat that is being put out by the heater. Just the slightest bit of build up can cause it to shut down or misfire.
Inspect electrical components
We ensure that all wires and fuses are connected properly, because blown fuses can occur with any voltage spike, or lightning strike. They protect the power surge from reaching the vital electrical components inside your heating system!
Inspect belts
If your system is struggling to keep your house warm, then there’s a good chance that your belts are stretched. A new set of belts could get it back to running like new!
Check Refrigerant levels for heat pump units
A new shot of refrigerant can give your heat pump the boost it needs to run more efficiently!
Check amp draws on electric heaters
If your electric heater is drawing too much or too little amperage, as a result, it will not function properly. We can come in and make sure everything is ready to go make sure you spend your night in comfort!